Jim's Musings

  1. Luke At The Gym

    2021-01-22 07:46:10 UTC
    I had the opportunity a few years back to work with Luke Matthews after stumbling across him while we were both attending Boise State University. The first thing that caught my eye was his calves… this guy has an amazing pair He’s competed on stage a few times and I…

  2. Housekeeping

    2020-12-31 03:24:32 UTC
    It’s pretty amazing how much ‘stuff’ we accumulate over the years. It starts small over here, then some more over there, and more in this spot… it keeps going without us truly understanding how much we’ve collected. I’m not a hoarder of physical things, although I am quite a clutter-bug…

  3. JD Sanders in the desert sun

    2020-12-21 05:15:00 UTC
    It seems I end up down in Phoenix, Arizona at least once a year, and its usually some time in November. This guy always greets me with an amazing smile and one of the biggest hugs anyone could ever hope for when getting off the airplane. On this trip I…

  4. New Beginnings

    2020-12-15 23:37:00 UTC
    2020 has bee a year of challenges for many people - financially, health, travel, mental health and much more. It’s time to look back on this year and see what lessons we’ve learned, what opportunities we’ve found, or even what has changed us for the good. 2020 gave me the…

All Images © Jim Cauthen Photography 2024
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